How to Transfer VHS Tapes to Your Computer

How to Transfer VHS Tapes to Your Computer
Everything changes and in the world of technology the change comes fast and furious. All those adorable videos on VHS of the kids, who are now in their twenties are now sitting in a box in the corner, along with the VHS player. Those wonderful videos of Great Grandma’s 95th birthday, just like Great Grandma will be gone forever if you don’t do something.

One day, the player will break and nobody will be able to fix it, so the videos will remain in their box. Even if your VHS player remains faithfully working for the next twenty years, you won’t be able to share them with anyone that doesn’t come to your home or have a spare VHS player themselves.

Don’t worry. None true any more. No, you don’t have to pay the price of having Walgreens transfer them, which can be salty at about $25 a pop if you have very many. You can now do it yourself. While Walgreen’s might be a logical solution for one or two, you can do it yourself for the price of one. If you use the one in the video, it costs considerably more. Either way, this is a nifty way to get all those videos off the VHS tapes and onto your computer or into the clouds where you can now share it with the world or just your close family and friends. Watch, learn and love the simple solution.

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