The Correct Way To Fold Your Socks| You’ve Been Doing It Wrong Your Whole Life

correct way to fold socks

I don’t own a lot of socks. Therefore I make sure that they last for at least a year or two. One of the frustration to my limited sock’s collection is a stretch out cuff other than losing them mysteriously in the dryer, and nothing is more frustrating than a loose sock sliding down into your shoe.

I have always put my own, my husband’s and kid’s socks together by stretching the top of one sock and looping the other through, to keep pairs together. This method has the tendency to stretch one top of the pair of socks, as well as increasing the probability of one sock coming loose and disappearing.

One great way to keep your socks tight is to change the way you fold them. Of course, not folding them at all is the best way to keep those cuffs healthy, but if you’re like most people (including me), you should watch this video below.

Additionally, this method has never made it easy to keep the drawer organized in any way and to find what you’re looking for quickly.

Credit: Klara Egilson

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