How to Lose Calf Fat and Get Slim Calves in Just Under 8 Minutes


It is important to note that you can always perform a certain type of exercise to tone and tighten up the muscles of a specific body part and strengthen them for a leaner appearance.

Calf raises, squats, standing calf stretch, “Kiss the Wall” calf stretch and the leg press machine is great exercises that will tone up your calves without adding bulk. Also, don’t forget to warm up before doing any exercise because your body needs to prepare itself for any activity.

Extra Tips:
Your body is a reflection of what you eat, so if you continue eating fatty foods then don’t expect slender calves. Think about it for a moment. It makes no sense to exercise, sweat it out and eat anything and everything under the sun.

Avoid the obvious fattening foods such as salted snacks, cakes, cookies, ice cream, sugary snacks and calorie loaded drinks. Eat healthy foods that are high in protein, rich in fiber, minimally processed and as close to their natural state as possible. Always make sure to drink plenty of water during the day to stay hydrated

Credit: Xhitdaily

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