Change your Eye Shape with These 12 Eyeliner Tutorials


I believe that there are no rules when it comes to beauty, except that you must take off your makeup every night (no exceptions). And of course, experimentation is the best practice and often encourage to do so.

In the case of eyeliner, “it’s true that certain techniques can bring more symmetry to different eye shapes with the best application tips for every face.

Even the most demure appearance is enhanced by just a hint of liner to bring out the lashes and those who want a hot sexy look that says “Cat Woman has entered the building,” will definitely need it to make the magical transformation.

Try out a new eyeliner design. Learn the 12 different shapes and variations to make your eyes stand out. You can easily combine these with eyeshadows.

Please watch the video below ↓ ↓

Credit: Julia Graf

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