Get Thinner Thighs in Only 5 Minutes


Having trouble sliding into those skinny jeans — despite your daily workout? The truth is, many exercise routines simply don’t include the key moves you need to target the often-troublesome area of the inner thighs. Fortunately, slimmer, sexier, whistle-worthy legs can be yours in only a week or two.

That’s right, to help you banish dreaded inner thigh bulge, watch the video for the easy, simple fat-blasting moves for thinner thighs. For best results, circuit through the following exercises (making one move after the next without resting) four times a week, then finish up with 15 to 20 minutes of any cardio activity.

Do this exact routine three to five times a week and see a noticeable difference in your thighs in just a couple of weeks.

Credit: Newbeauty magazine

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