Putting Good Salt In our Body can Help Us Lose Weight, Sleep Better & Improve Skin Tone


Salt has always been a valuable commodity. It was used as currency in ancient times. However, today, it’s relatively inexpensive and a big container of Morton’s cost less than $2.00. If you get the store brand, which I normally do, it’s even less. I recently read a study posted by a friend on FaceBook that pink salt may actually be bad for you and I was patting myself on the back for being so smart when I found this video on YouTube by The Whole Journey. It’s an interview with a nutritionist about using natural unprocessed salts.

After watching the video, I’m not feeling nearly as smug. Frankly, I’m feeling more confused. She had some excellent points that might convert me to a fancy salt buyer. While the jury is still out on whether the pink Himalayan salt is good or bad for you, I’m going to try one of the others she mentioned, the Celtic Sea Salt, but still use the iodized salt in conjunction with it. I don’t eat seaweed, one of the best ways to get iodine, so supplementing with a little salt is a good idea.

The mother of all disease comes from too much acid in the body. So, if we can use one of these high quality salts in our body, we can slash the risk of so many serious, life threatening diseases. The right kind of salt can remineralize our bodies, assist with alkalization and help us lose weight, sleep better, lower blood pressure, improve skin tone and digestive / nervous system health.

Weight Loss:
Having enough good quality salt stimulates our digestive juices. Therefore, you’re going to digest your food better so you’ll have less things hanging around. It will also help improve with your metabolism and that’s the proper way of losing weight.

Take 1/8 of a teaspoon (of any of the salt) internally and just mix it with water. Doing this, will give you that glow inside and out because you have enough minerals and its detoxifying.

For Depression and Better Sleep:
Mix 2/8 or 3/8 of a teaspoon of himalayan, real salt or celtic salt to a 3-4 oz of warm water before bed, this will help regulates two key hormones, the melatonin that would help as fall asleep easily and the serotonin hormones that would make us happy.

One of the high quality salts that can works some serious magic is Pink Himalayan Salt. It contain 84 trace helps our body become more alkaline so we can fight off diseases more effectively it helps us regulate our seratonin levels to fight depression, and last but not least, it helps regulate melatonin levels to help us with our sleep.

The 3 high Quality Salts are:

  • Himalayan Pink salt
  • Celtic Salt
  • Real Salt

Credit: The Whole Journey

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